It's been just over 3 weeks since demolition was completed, so it's about time I posted an update.
We didn't hear anything from Simonds for the first week, and our chances of a slab for christmas was looking remote. Then all of a sudden there was a flurry of activity on the 1st December as final plans were signed and scanned and emailed back and forth so work could begin on the 2nd, and our file sent for ordering.
I suspect this is the first time an overall review had been done since August, as they suddenly discovered there was an area of tiling that hadn't been selected (the non-mirrored bit of wall above our corner vanities). So an early exit from work, and a quick trip to the Simonds Gallery was required. Actually I don't think I really got any work done that day anyway, so I'm sure they didn't miss me.
A bonus from the post demolition resurvey was that the drop over the slab was reduced from 1.6m to 1.2m, and the new site cost quote dropped by $1700.
Finally, here's what you really want to see - progress pics!
The site was cut on the 2nd December. The slightly raised section at the front left of the photo will be our front lounge room, and the slightly sunken bit directly in front will be the garage.
3/12/2011 - Site Cut |
Not much progress this week, but we found a meter box sitting lonely in the middle of the block, and a few pegs.
9/12/2011 - Meter box |
And finally, things start to move. Yesterday I found the fencing had arrived, along with the all important chemical toilet and rubbish skip (which is inside the fencing - good move). And pipes! Our plumbing has been done.
14/12/2011 - A real building site |
14/12/2011 - Pipes |